Full Semester & Summer Internship Policies
Participants’ physical and mental health can be affected by travel and new routines, foods, and cultural practices. Therefore, all full and short-term program participants will be enrolled in a premium plan through CISI for the duration of the Molise Italian Studies program. Designed specifically for cultural exchange participants, the plan provides accident and sickness insurance, medical evacuation and repatriation, as well as security evacuations should they become necessary. The plan also includes a worldwide, 24-hour emergency telephone assistance service, offering multilingual medical, travel, and technical advice. Our on-site staff is available to accompany students to doctor visits in severe cases. As with all insurance policies, there are some coverage exceptions, and coverage is provided for the duration of the program only. See the CISI brochure for coverage details.
If you plan to extend your semester abroad (and therefore wishing to obtain a student visa), you may consider extending your coverage through CISI or purchasing Welcome Association Italy (WAI) Insurance (formerly known as INA-Assitalia), a low cost (€122) policy for major emergencies only.
Participant Awareness & Conduct
While Molise Italian Studies cannot guarantee an entirely risk-free environment, every effort is made to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of our participants throughout the duration of their time abroad. However, it is important to note that all program participants take responsibility for their own safety, security, and well-being while abroad. Pre-departure preparations and on-site orientations cannot replace good judgment. This means using common sense, being aware of one’s surroundings, and not putting oneself in compromising positions, particularly with regards to the use/abuse of drugs or alcohol. In short, while abroad participants should exercise the same precautions and habits of good judgment they follow in their home communities.
Participants are advised to, at all times:
- Act in a respectful manner towards the local population, its customs, and its culture.
- Be aware of surroundings and report strange activity to local authorities and on-site staff.
- Avoid crowds and demonstrations of all kinds, political or otherwise.
- Avoid drawing attention to themselves as internationals.
- Not share apartment addresses.
- Keep abreast of local news.
- Stay in touch with their families.
Participant Whereabouts
As part of our commitment to safety, Molise Italian Studies asks that all participants keep our staff informed of their whereabouts. Students are free to make independent travel plans on weekends, but are asked to give our staff a travel itinerary notice, and must do so for any overnights away from their host family. Additionally, all participants are registered with the nearest U.S. Embassy through the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
Cell Phones
All participants are required to have a working cell phone number so that they can be reached in case of emergency. See the following options for cell phone use while in Italy:
- Bring your own smartphone and use your own U.S. provider’s international service plan (AT&T, Verizon, etc.)
- Bring your own unlocked smartphone and rent an international SIM card and data plan through another provider (Vodafone, TIM, WIND, etc.)
- Rent a smartphone and SIM card, along with a data plan, through another provider (Vodafone, TIM, WIND, etc.)
- Rent a basic handheld cell phone and SIM card, along with a simple talk & text plan, through another provider (Vodafone, TIM, WIND, etc.). This option offers no data capability, but students can supplement this with their own personal smartphone, using wifi only.
- *Please note: If you choose to rent or buy from another provider abroad (Vodafone, TIM, WIND, etc.), it is your responsibility to do your research and purchase the necessary items. Most who choose this option will save money, but must wait until they have arrived in Italy to make their purchase.
To save money, participants are also encouraged to use free wifi communication apps, such as WhatsApp, FaceTime, Google Voice, or Skype, as much as possible.
Emergency Contacts
During orientation, all participants will be provided with both local emergency numbers and the Molise Italian Studies 24-hour emergency phone number (to be used only in case of serious medical issues where a student’s life is in danger or incidents requiring immediate police intervention).
Participants should make sure their parents and/or guardians have accurate and up-to-date local contact information at all times. Participants and their families should discuss and establish a contact system that can be used in the event of a crisis on either side. In most instances of crisis or family emergency, parents, guardians or other family should first attempt to contact participants, then, if necessary, Molise Italian Studies onsite staff. Keep in mind that the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents staff members from providing certain information to persons other than the students themselves.
Program Evacuation/Cancellation
In the unlikely event that local or world conditions lead Molise Italian Studies to suspend or cancel a program term, every effort will be made to allow students to complete their studies for the current term. If evacuated, Molise Italian Studies will work with the participant’s home institution to either continue the program in an alternate location; facilitate the return to the home campus and enrollment in regular courses; or assist students in obtaining a “withdrawal bridge” to the next academic term at their institutions. The decision to suspend or cancel a program is made in conjunction with U.S. embassy and consular officials abroad and the home schools. In the case of an evacuation, all staff and participants will leave the city/country as a group, if possible.
Financial consequences of a withdrawal are subject to the Molise Italian Studies Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy. If the U.S. Department of State orders U.S. students out of Europe, an emergency refund will be considered. If an evacuation order is not made by the U.S. Department of State, but a student chooses to leave the program anyway, s/he will not receive a refund; such a case is subject to the regular Molise Italian Studies refund policy.
U.S. Student Travel Resources
The following are important resources for monitoring the safety and security of U.S. student travel:
- Department of State, Travel Warnings and Consular Information Sheet for Italy
- Department of State, Students Abroad Tips
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Travel Health Notices
Flexibility, as always when abroad, will be important for both participants and program administrators. We will be working closely with local authorities and consular partners to make sure we are following the most up-to-date guidelines and procedures for COVID-19. We are constantly monitoring Italian entry regulations and physical distancing protocols, which are fluid and change often. In all cases, we defer to local regulations. Students are asked to sign an updated Code of Conduct. As part of the Code of Conduct, we expect all students to comply with any host country mandates and any imposed restrictions regarding health and safety. For more information, visit the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and United States Department of State.
In order to protect and respect the citizens of Molise, as well as your fellow students, we do require that you receive a COVID vaccine prior to arrival in Molise. If there are exceptional circumstances, please contact Molise Italian Studies to discuss how to move forward.
Students who have COVID-19 symptoms should immediately inform Molise Italian Studies staff, who will help them follow local guidance for testing and follow-up care, if needed. Students testing positive for COVID would be subject to immediate quarantine in their accommodation or in separate accommodation if required. If someone in the house tests positive for COVID-19 then the appropriate officials will be contacted and the correct quarantine steps put in place. If the person is very ill, they will go straight to hospital. If they are well enough to stay at home they will be quarantined as well as other family members as required by the authorities. If needed we will utilize additional accommodation so students can quarantine in private rooms. Meals and/or groceries would be arranged to be delivered in a safe and secure manner.
We will follow all local guidelines so that students can safely attend class. However, if face-to-face classes need to be suspended for any reason, we will be able to continue with a virtual delivery model allowing participants to finish the academic portion of the program (thereby not losing progress towards degree completion).
While we don’t expect to cancel semesters, it can happen. If the cancellation occurs during the pre-departure semester, we would encourage you to defer your on-site semester to a future term. If you choose, instead, not to complete the program, we will refund any recoverable costs. Otherwise, see our normal cancellation policy.
A student visa is NOT required for students studying in Italy for 90 days or less. If you plan to extend your semester abroad (to gain more experience in your service placement or to do extra personal travel), you will need to obtain a student visa prior to departure and a permit to stay upon arrival. We are happy to assist you with this process, but be sure to consult the specific consulate you plan to visit to confirm necessary documents and procedures, as requirements can be strict. For a list of Italian Consulates in the United States, click here. For Italian visa information, please visit the following website: www.esteri.it/visti/index_eng.asp
If you wish to do things like open a bank or postal account, buy or register a Vespa or other motor vehicle*, or sign contracts with utility companies (e.g. mobile phones, etc.), you will need to get a codice fiscale, an Italian tax code similar to a U.S. social security number (even though you may not be subject to Italian taxes).
It’s free and fairly easy to obtain. You will simply bring your passport to the Direzione Provinciale (provinical tax office) in Campobasso and fill out the form. We can assist you with this process.
* In order to drive in Italy you will need an International Driving Permit (and your regular driver’s license), available from AAA.
We are happy to assist with arranging airfare or organizing other travel plans upon request, including those during our on-site break week (may require an additional fee).
All Molise Italian Studies participants must have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months after departure from Italy. Be aware that the regular passport application process can take up to 2 months, so start your application as soon as possible (if you do not already have a passport). If you are applying late, you will need to use the expedited process, as you need a passport to be able to apply for your visa.
Once accepted to Molise Italian Studies, you will need to provide us with a copy of your passport.
U.S. students should visit the Department of State’s passport page for detailed requirements and instructions.

Acceptance & Enrollment
Participants are notified via email when their application is complete. Although materials need not arrive together, applications are reviewed only once they are complete. Notifications of acceptance are sent via email.
All accepted participants are required to submit confirmation and security deposits to confirm their intention to pursue the program. Deposits are due within 1 week (7 days) of acceptance. Upon receipt of deposits, participants receive an Enrollment Confirmation. Participants are advised not to make any other purchases related to the program (e.g. flights) before they have received an Enrollment Confirmation.
Confirmation Deposit (non-refundable):
The confirmation deposit ($750) holds a participant’s place in the program, and the amount is deducted from the final program cost.
Security Deposit (refundable):
The security deposit ($250) is used to cover any charges incurred abroad, including housing damages and school fees. Security deposits, less any charges, are refunded within 90 days of program completion. Participants are invoiced for any charges that exceed the amount of the security deposit. Security deposit refunds are issued via a mailed check made out to the participant. In the event that a refund check must be re-issued, a $50 re-issue fee is deducted from the replacement check.
Molise Italian Studies Program Fee
After paying deposits, participants receive notification of their full program fee due date, which is 5 weeks (35 days) prior to the first day of the pre-departure course. For participants who are accepted after the due date, payment is due within five (5) business days of the participant’s acceptance.
- Participants utilizing financial aid from their home school are able to defer the program fee payment. Students must communicate to Molise Italian Studies their intention to utilize financial aid and complete required forms in order to defer this payment.
Late Payments
Molise Italian Studies reserves the right to move an application to inactive or cancelled status if payment deadlines are not met. Participants may be held responsible for any costs already incurred by Molise Italian Studies on their behalf. Molise Italian Studies may impose a late payment fee on students who wish to reactivate their applications.
The first day of the course is considered the start of the program. The confirmation deposit is not refundable at any time. Further program cost liability is based on the date on which Molise Italian Studies receives a cancellation request. If a cancellation request is received 36 or more days before program start, a full refund is provided (minus the non-refundable confirmation deposit and any costs already incurred). If a cancellation request is received 35 days or less before program start, participants are liable for the following penalties:
- 35 days before the start of program – 1 days before the start of program: 50% of program fee
- Day of program start or after: 100% of program fee
Enrollment Deferment
Participants who have confirmed their enrollment with payment of program deposits may defer their enrollment to a future term that starts within one calendar year of the original term by submitting a non-refundable $300 deferment administrative fee. The deferral request must be received 61 days or more prior to the original program start date. Participants who subsequently cancel their enrollment for the new term are liable for the enrollment cancellation penalty of higher value (either the original or current term).
Refunds are issued within 4 weeks of cancellation, in the same form the payment was made (check, credit card, or e-check). Refund checks are issued to the participant (unless requested otherwise), while credit card and e-check refunds are issued to the card used for the payment.
Withdrawal After Program Has Begun
Participants who must withdraw from Molise Italian Studies after the program has begun should follow these steps:
- Contact Molise Italian Studies staff to discuss the reasons for withdrawing and inform us of the exact date and time of departure.
- Contact the home university (if applicable) to discuss any financial or academic consequences (i.e. students who have received financial aid may have to repay it; students may have to add another semester in order to graduate). Submit to Molise Italian Studies proof of contact with home school advisor. Complete any forms and permissions for withdrawal required by host university.
- Complete the Molise Italian Studies Official Withdrawal Form.
- Turn in house key to host family (if applicable).
Students who withdraw after the program has begun are not entitled to refunds, reimbursements or credit of any kind.
All participants in the Molise Italian Studies program are required to abide by all rules, regulations and procedures established by Molise Italian Studies and its partners. As a representative of your home college or university and your native country, your conduct abroad plays a significant role in the cross-cultural experience.
A successful program of immersive and transformative service learning includes:
- Immersing yourself in the Italian language
- Immersing yourself in the local community–being respectful of the local culture and traditions, getting involved through a local sports team or musical group, community service events, tutoring or other part-time employment, religious ceremonies, etc.
- Active and regular participation in courses and academic activities
- Participating in cultural activities and excursions offered by Molise Italian Studies
- Being prepared and familiarizing yourself with your surroundings
Molise Italian Studies reserves the right to place a participant on probation and/or to dismiss a participant from the program on the basis of conduct that causes concern for the student’s safety and well-being or for the safety and well-being of others.
Molise Italian Studies has a zero-tolerance policy regarding excessive alcohol consumption (drunkenness), or abuse of prescription or illegal drugs. If, by any means, the Molise Italian Studies on-site staff becomes aware that you have engaged in excessive consumption of alcohol or use of illegal drugs, you will be immediately subject to probation or expulsion from the program. Molise Italian Studies strongly encourages you to avoid situations in which excessive alcohol consumption and/or drug use is present.
Information regarding conduct found to be disruptive to the Molise Italian Studies program may be released to your home institution’s study abroad office. This conduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Violation of local laws
- Actions that, in the opinion of Molise Italian Studies, jeopardize your welfare or the welfare of others
- Damage to, or destruction of, school, residence, or student property
- Reckless or dangerous behavior
- The use of threats or physical violence
- Excessive alcohol consumption, substance abuse or use of illegal drugs
- Excessive absence from classes and academic activities