Molise is an ideal location not only for immersive Adult Study Abroad and Community-Based Global Learning but also for slower, more sustainable travel full of real connections and authentic Italian experiences. Molise IS where the old world and a simpler way of life still thrive in magical hillside villages . Molise IS Tintilia wine, truffles, Caciocavallo cheese, and delicious recipes. Molise IS full of untouched places and wild lands; history, tradition, and spectacular festivals; and views stretching down mountains, across centuries-old tratturi, and beyond the sea. Most of all, Molise IS its kind, welcoming, hard-working people, including artisans whose techniques go back countless generations. Explore the incredible variety of Italy’s second smallest and least explored region as you discover some of our cultural, historical, and outdoor excursion opportunities below.
Learn about the art of perforated steel scissors in Campobasso; or knives in Frosolone; or zampognas (bagpipes) in Scapoli.
Tour the Campane Marinelli, the foundry which molds bells for the Vatican and beyond, or the Museum of Copper, both in Agnone.
Visit religious sanctuaries like Santa Maria del Canneto in Roccavivara; or Basilica Minore dell’Addolorata in Castelpetroso; or the Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno.
Or check out the MoliseCinema Film Festival in Casacalenda.

Wander the Regional Olive Park in Venafro and the olive groves outside of Colletorto, and taste true “DOP Molise” olive oil from Martino Coltivazioni.
Go truffle hunting in Busso with Di Iorio Tartufi or do a tasting of Tintilia del Molise at Cantine Catabbo winery in San Martino in Pensilis.
Learn how Caciocavallo cheese is made (and what it tastes like) at DiNucci Caseficio in Agnone, or visit the La Molisana pasta factory in Campobasso.
Or celebrate the harvest at Villaggio Rurale le Sette Querce in Sesto Campano.

Visit Castello Monforte, the Museum of the Mysteries, Villa De Capoa, and plenty of restaurants in the capital city of Campobasso, as well as Robert DeNiro’s ancestral home in nearby Ferrazzano.
Hit the beach or see Castello Svevo, the narrowest street in Italy, and abandoned fishing trabucchi in the beachside town of Termoli.
Explore magical hillside villages like Bagnoli del Trigno (the so-called “pearl” of Molise), Castropignano, Pietracupa, or Monterduni. Wonder at Fornelli, Frosolone, Oratino, and Sepino–four of the most beautiful villages (borghi più belli) in Italy.
Or spend the night in an albergo diffuso (spread-out hotel) like La Piana dei Mulini.

Learn about the ancient Samnites and explore underground tunnels in Campobasso.
Visit the Winterline World War II Museum, Castello Pandone, or the Archaeological Museum in Venafro, as well as the National Paleolithic Museum in Isernia.
Check out the impressive Civitacampomarano Castle or the Samnite sanctuary at Pietrabbondante.
Or wander through the remains of an ancient Roman town and theater in Saepinum or an amphitheater in Larino.

Try river trekking the Volturno River outside of Carpinone with Molise in Action.
Cool off in Santa Maria del Molise’s Il Mulino, Castel San Vincenzo’s turquoise lake, or under any number of waterfalls scattered throughout the region.
Hold your breath as you walk the Tibetan bridge at Roccamandolfi or drive the viaduct over Lake Guardialfiera. Interact with wildlife at the Montedimezzo Natural Reserve or walk among wild Pantano horses outside of Montenero Val Cocchiara.
Hike the mountains of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise or Regional Park of Matese, ski at Capracotta, or try snowshoeing near Pescopennataro. Or take an overnight guided trek along ancient tratturi (transhumance trails used by shepherds) with Molise Trekking.

** Each cohort includes a unique combination of seasonal excursions, but participants have the opportunity (and are encouraged!) to customize further explorations during their free time.
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